In December 2024, Indialantic, FL homes were selling for an average price of $866,285, Indialantic, FL homes on average sell after 72 days on the market compared to 60 days last year. There were 13 homes sold in Indialantic, FL for December 2024, compared to 9 last year.
The average list price of Indialantic, FL, was $1,109,158 in December 2024, compared to $1,041,633 in December 2023.
Indialantic, FL Market Trend for Houses
Average List Price
The average list price of houses in Indialantic, FL, was $1,225,238 in December 2024, compared to $562,500 in December 2023.
Indialantic, FL Market Trend for Condos / Townhouses / Penthouses
Average List Price
The average list price of condos/co-ops in Indialantic, FL, was $877,000 in December 2024, compared to $1,999,900 in December 2023.
Indialantic, FL Market Trend for Lots/Land
Average List Price
The average list price of lots/land in Indialantic, FL, was $0 in December 2024, compared to $0 in December 2023.
Indialantic, FL Market Trend for Commercial
Average List Price
The average list price of commercial in Indialantic, FL, was $0 in December 2024, compared to $0 in December 2023.
Indialantic, FL Housing Market Analysis
The average list price in Indialantic, FL is $1,109,158. The average list price in Indialantic, FL went up 6.48% from 2023 to 2024. Indialantic, FL home resale inventories is 12, which increased 300.00% since 2023. The average list price per square foot in Indialantic, FL is $425. 2023 it was $486.