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PALM BEACH RD, South Bay FL 33493

Коммерческий На продажу

BTC: 2.95961615

ETH: 125.95251590

105 Дней
0 room(s)
Est. Предполагаемый диапазон продаж: $0 - $0


Location!!Location!!Location!! This property is located near a major road. The design of this 960 square feet building creates opportunities to lease to multiple companies and not have to share an entrance. It is Zoned as a Neighborhood Commercial District and has a parking lot in the rear of the building along with some parking along the side. It offers many opportunities for a restaurant and is currently being used as a community center and the perfect restaurant.


Факты и особенности

Commercial Land
Нет данных
Год постройки:
Нет данных
0.10 Акров
Нет данных
Нет данных
Нет данных
Нет данных
Больше фактов и особенностей
  • Лот

    • Лот: 0.10 Акров

    Другая Информация о Недвижимости

    • Номер Земельного Участка: 58364414050020030

    • Зонирование: B1 (city

  • Тип и стиль

    • Тип недвижимости: Commercial Land

    • Подтип недвижимости: Commercial

  • Общественное благосостояние

    • Electricity Connected

    • Sewer Connected

    • Water Connected

    • Sewer Available

    • Trash Removal

    • Water Available

  • Другая финансовая информация

    • Годовая сумма налога: $505

  • Детали источника

    • MLS ID: A11706541

    Другие факты

    • Особенности лота: City Location / Less Than 1 Acre

    • Источник воды: Municipal Water

    • Размеры участка: 0x0

    • Название подразделения: FISHER 2ND ADD TO SOUTH B

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The multiple listing information is provided by the Miami Association of REALTORS® from a copyrighted compilation of listings. The compilation of listings and each individual listing are ©2025-present Miami Association of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. The information provided is for consumers' personal, noncommercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. All properties are subject to prior sale or withdrawal. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate, and should be independently verified. Listing courtesy of: Essence Realty Co.